Hip-Hop Fridays: Four Day BlackElectorate.com Community Chat Session Regarding The Star and Buc Wild Show And The "Millions More Movement"

Last Friday's Deeper Look, "Star, As Frankie Crocker Redux, The Most Important Man In Radio" has generated a tremendous response from our viewers, those who operate within the radio industry, and some who observe it. The article revolved around some of the elements that make the Star and Buc Wild Show so enlightening and entertaining. The program's discussion this week regarding the Millions More Movement provided a case in point.

Over the past week Star has focused a considerable amount of attention to the subject of the upcoming October observance in Washington D.C. commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the Million Man March. More specifically the dialogue between himself, and his co-hosts "Crossover Negro Reese" and "White Trash Helene"; along with guests and listeners, has focused on the expected participation, in the event, by members of the homosexual community.

In response to the feedback we have received from the article written about Star; news articles we have linked to regarding the impact of Million Man March; and reactions we have witnessed to the show, we are today,through Monday, opening up the BlackElectorate.com Chat Room so that our viewers are able to freely engage in dialogue with one another regarding the Millions More Movement and this week's press conference regarding it.

We look forward to 96 hours of spirited and informative discussion.

To participate in the chat session you will need to create an account. It is easy and free. Go to the BEC Chat Session, click "Create Account", fill out the short data fields and immediately expect a password to be e-mailed to your mailbox. Then, all you have to do is login and chat.


The Chat Session:

1) Moves at the pace of the dialogue

2) Works best when your pop up blocker is disabled while at BlackElectorate.com

3) Works more efficiently with Internet Explorer

4) Works more efficiently with Computers with High-Speed Internet Access – Cable and DSL.

Enjoy the discussion.


Cedric Muhammad

Friday, May 6, 2005