Former President Clinton Continues His Exploitation Of African American Voters by The African American Republican Leadership Council

Former President Bill Clinton continues his exploitation of the African American Community as his recent interview by National Public Radio Host Tavis Smiley clearly shows that the Democrat Party has not given up on their efforts to continue their ill-education of African American Voters.

It appears that the Democrat Party led by the likes of Former President Clinton, and his surrogates, Terry McAullife and Robert Shrum with the help from members of the Congressional Black Caucus and so-called African American civil rights leaders, continue their efforts to call in question the legitimate election of President George W. Bush in the minds of African American Voters.

Even after several Media recounts to date have shown that in fact President Bush did carry enough votes in Florida to win the Electoral College, liberal Democrats refuse to accept that fact and down play that Former Vice President Albert Gore lost his presidential bid due to the fact he could not carry his own home state of Tennessee in the general election of 2000.

Democrats never bring up the facts that voter spoilage in New York City was higher than in all of Florida or that those who registered online at The Democrat backed Million Mom March of 1999 found out that the states of Virginia and Nevada don't accept online voter registration, in all their ranting about the 2000 election.

Democrats like Mr. Clinton would rather make the unfounded claim to African Americans that the election was somehow stolen in Florida because all the votes where not counted in 4 largely African American Democrat Counties in Florida. Nowhere in Mr. Clinton ranting did he explain to Mr. Smiley, how then as sitting President he failed to deliver his home state of Arkansas to his Vice President?

Democrats in general fear the fact of a more educated African American electorate on common sense issues would amount to more than the 58% of Blacks that say the Democratic Party takes them for granted would leave.

In the last two election cycles they where able to use fear, pandering, and portraying Republican opponents as racists in order to receive record numbers of African American Votes in 1998 and 2000.

The DNC led by Terry McAullife can create all "the do nothing and token positions" concerning Voter Education they like, but the point of the matter is that it will just be a token position for an African American to fill. Manyard Jackson recent departure from this made up and nothing position now filled by Donna Brazille clearly points this out.

Recently Professor Michael Eric Dyson made the comment that Former President Bill Clinton exploited the African American Community like no other President. And we at AARLC agree.

Mr. Clinton received all the help needed in exploiting the African American Community during his 8 years from the failed Congressional Black Caucus and so-called Civil Rights Leaders such as "shakedown artist" Rev. Jesse Jackson.

The African American Republican Leadership Council calls upon Former President Bill Clinton to end his exploitation of The African American Community and calls upon the Democrat Leadership and their several caucuses to end their ill-education of minority voters in America.

The African American Republican Leadership Council can be contacted at 202-675-8338

The African American Republican Leadership Council

Thursday, May 16, 2002

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