The Community “Business and Building” Mixer.

In October of this year we are thinking of holding the first "Business and Building" Mixer. Our objective is to bring together around 100 to 250 viewers together around the theme of our website: "An Independent Community Of Information, Education And Action." The agenda of the event is to be determined but our desire is that it be very social and very serious, just like the website.

So, we are writing you in the community of viewers to see the level of interest in such an activity and whether or not we can put together a planning committee of some sort to coordinate the itinerary and the actual affair. Consider our approach as something like the democratization of event planning.

We do have some preferences but there have been no substantive decisions already made.

That means ‘everything’ is on the table and open to discussion. Regular viewers are familiar with our reoccurring themes, appreciation for innovation, and our “integrated” approach to the subjects we cover. In that spirit the event should be planned and take place. Just imagine. We might talk about doing business together, as a group, or individually. Maybe we could start an investment club. Perhaps we will begin to identify politicians worthy of our support or opposition. Or, we discuss community and grassroots initiatives we can partner with or spearhead. Do we want to start a Black Electorate Think Tank? What do you want to see from the site in the future? We want the agenda to have some order but still have room for spontaneity and free-styling, if you will. Hell, if you make a good enough case we may even decide we want to pay your bills that month. The sky is the limit.

Now we know what some of you are thinking - but don’t need to tell you the obvious; we expect to have beautiful (internally and externally), righteous, and intelligent men and women in attendance. This ain’t E-Harmony, and certainly not Online Booty Call but we do expect that among our viewers there are some of the top of the line in available and interested parties. Enough on that, we just wanted to acknowledge those of you who also would like to come through because you think attractive human beings might be in the building.

Now here are some of our preferences:

The event would be for viewers only, with tickets sold in advance through the website.

We would like to create an intimate and comfortable atmosphere where we can enjoy each other’s company and get to know one another, in an exclusive environment. We would like to have a few invited speakers present – from the world of business, politics and culture - and hear words of wisdom from them. And, among ourselves, have a forum to openly discuss opportunities and the most serious of issues.

We would like to have two gatherings over two days. First, would be the evening mixer, and then other would be, a coffee talk, the following morning. The evening mixer would feature the speakers, food and music and would be devoted to imparting information and getting to know one another in a comfortable atmosphere. The morning coffee talk would be more of a roll up our sleeves atmosphere where we could build in a more focused way, perhaps making some decisions on action steps and how to keep the group connected.

At this stage, we are calling upon any of you, from among our viewers who are so interested, to join our planning committee for the event. The responsibilities of the planning committee include the following:

1. Selecting a city. Washington D.C. is our preferred location, but we are open to considering other cities, such as Atlanta, Miami, New York City, Philly, or anywhere else where there is a nice concentration of our viewers, for example. We’re not hating on our beloved West Coast or Mid West viewers, but we suspect that the East Coast might be the easiest place to start, logistically, more than anything else.

2. Selecting the venue(s). Obviously, we prefer Black-owned locations. Let’s practice what we preach and find maybe a nice comfortable venue for the mixer; one for the ‘coffee talk.’

3. Selecting an official lodging location. A Black-owned hotel or bed and breakfast would be nice.

4. Selecting an official travel agent who might be able to make travel affordable and convenient for those attending from a far.

5. Deciding the itinerary for the evening. As of this moment, our preference is to have three speakers, an opportunity for people to meet, and music provided by a D.J. or live performer(s) As in the case of the location, we are open to considering our viewers’ wishes and the “wisdom of the crowd.”

6. Determine an affordable ticket price that covers all of our expenses and allows a reasonable profit.

Our chance encounters with one so many viewers during our travels in the real world have been, and continue to be, gratifying. With our mixer, the members of our independent community will have its first chance to meet, and enjoy one another, by design.

So let’s have a enjoyable, intimate and sober event and consider and decide how we might move from a de facto community to becoming one, de jure.

The Black staff looks forward to working with the planning committee and meeting those viewers who are able to attend our event this October.

If you would be interested in such an event, and have suggestions regarding it, please drop a comment in our Dialogue Room. If you would like to become part of our planning committee please hit us up on our voicemail at: (856)-964-4664.

The Team

Monday, June 12, 2006

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