Hip-Hop Fridays: The Revolution has to be Televised by Scottie Lowe

The revolution has to be televised or most Black people will miss it.
The revolution has to be televised in High Definition with a slamming soundtrack or it will be completely missed.
The revolution has to be televised
The revolution must be on BET, right after Comic View and right before Rap City for anyone to take notice.
The revolution will be a pay per view event with watered down politically correct messages or Black folks will not have a clue the revolution has begun.

The so-called revolution will be little more than sound bites that can be played back on Fox news for faux reporters to spin.
The revolution will be scheduled opposite American Idol.
The revolution has to be televised
The revolution must be downloadable as a ring tone on peoples phone.
Text “Fight the Power” to 1776 now for your daily dose of insurgency.
The revolution will be prime time media fodder for high ratings.

The revolution will be sponsored by Viagra and Budweiser.
The revolution will have a promo with a couple of those Desperate Housewives.
The revolution has to be televised
The revolution will have a half time show with Janet Jackson showing off her boobie.
Don’t worry, if you miss the revolution, it will be re-aired on the WB, right after the other minstrel shows.
The Revolution has to be televised because Black people don’t want to really get out in the streets and revolt.
They want to Tivo the revolution and rewind it in the comfort of their own home.

The revolution will be released on DVD at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Bloc kbuster Video.
The revolution gots to be downloadable for AOL broadband subscribers.
The revolution has to be televised
The revolution will be hosted by 50cent and Snoop Dog with special performances by Beyonce’.
The revolution has to be watered down and degrading before anyone will pay attention.
It will be a high budget music video on MTV.

The generals of the revolution will have to say the word niggah a couple dozen times before anyone listens.
The revolution will be in special release at Magic Johnson Theaters.
The revolution has to be televised
The revolution will be waged at IMAX theaters with complimentary apple martinis on the first Friday of the month.
Who has time for a revolution?
Download the revolution to your I-pod to listen to on your way to the corporate plantation.

The revolution will be produced and directed by Quentin Tarantino.
It will star Flava Flav as Sambo and Omorosa will get voted off the island.
Without television, there will be no revolution
Casting for the revolution will be by the GOP.
HBO will air the revolution as a mini series.
The revolution will be nominated for an Emmy as “Best Comedy of the Year”

The revolution will be a telethon with an 800 number to call in and pledge.
“Hey, what happened to all that money donated for that Revolution thing?”
The revolution is dead.
The revolution died long ago.
The revolution has to be televised!
The revolution has to be televised!
The revolution has to be televised!

Scottie Lowe is the owner and founder of www.AfroerotiK.com, a company dedicated to eradicating the negative and stereotypical depictions of Black sexuality and providing customized, personalized erotic stories for and about people of color.

Scottie Lowe

Friday, February 3, 2006

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