5 Years @ BlackElectorate.com

Today, April 5, 2005 is the five year anniversary of the launch of BlackElectorate.com. And we deeply appreciate the support and involvement of our viewers – from day one up to today – and all of those who helped to turn what was only an inspiration and idea, into a reality in only two weeks, back in the year 2000. Last year’s interview celebrating the birth of this website gives more details about our genesis but suffice it to say, we think five years of existence and growing popularity establishes that what BlackElectorate.com represents is an idea and perspective whose time has come. And the website is only relevant because it struck a chord in the minds and hearts of those out there who visit the website everyday, and care to engage the content and spread the word. The visibility and awareness of the website is at an all-time high, and we are committed to continuing a unique tradition of sober, diverse, entertaining and consciousness-raising news coverage, analysis and inteviews.

Of course we can't say for sure that five more years are promised for BlackElectorate.com, but we do pray that any positive influence that the website has today will continue and be felt at that time in the future, and beyond. And that is what matters most, that this website has served people and institutions - whether in business, politics, arts, religion and science - all over the world, in the seeking and establishment of truth.

To us, that is the highest achievement of a good witness, which is what we seek to be for you, every day.

Thank You.


Cedric Muhammad

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

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