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Theology Thursdays: "The synagogue of Satan" by Minister Louis Farrakhan

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

The thinking of the neo-conservatives is written of in scripture. In the Book of Revelations 2 and 9, it reads: “I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

What is the blasphemy? A Jew is a noble thing. A Jew means one who is in a covenant relationship with God in obedience to the Divine laws, statutes and commandments of God. But these people claim to be Jews, but they’re not in obedience to God’s law. They have given a mission of evil a divine look on it, and George W. Bush has swallowed that bait—hook, line and sinker.

“Synagogue of Satan” is a gathering of persons of like mind and spirit who are in opposition to the will of God. So, in the Bible, Paul said, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.”

In the peace process, no American president has been able to deliver, and President Bush is the worst in that line to deliver, because he is so in line with the thinking of those in opposition to peace.

I warned the President that there were two fronts in this war, one right here in the United States of America. In order for them to complete their objectives, there must not be what happened in the sixties—a rise of the people in the streets of America. So, they must silence voices of dissent, silence activists, bring organizations that would oppose this war into court, call them enemy combatants and remove from them due process. Thus, the Patriot Act was rushed through Congress to give power to this country to take away the rights of the American people.

As Black people, we already understand. We know what America is capable of doing. The reports that you’ve seen on television recently, that show Iraqi soldiers being tortured, stripped naked, being made to look like they were performing lewd acts on one another and the rape of Iraqi women by American soldiers; the whole Muslim world is seeing this and the whole Muslim world is rising in an anger and a hatred that has never been seen before towards America. Soon, it will be that no American will be able to travel in the Muslim world because they will kill Americans in the Arab and Muslim world.

You may not like what I’m saying. You may be angry with me. But I have a mission and I’m looking to Allah (God) for my protection. I’m saying to you, beloved brothers and sisters and the people of America and the people of the world, this time is so dangerous that, if America does not change course, as a George W. (Washington) brought America into existence as the first president, a George W. will take America out of existence and you will witness the ruin of the greatest nation in the history of the present world.

The Patriot Act deprives us of First Amendment rights. The Patriot Act deprives us of Fourth, Sixth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Amendment guarantees. The soldiers are in the Middle East fighting for “Iraqi freedom,” while the freedom that they thought they had is being diminished at home.

When Senator John Kerry came back from Vietnam, he was a dissenter. He could throw away medals; he could stand up and speak against the war in Vietnam. If these soldiers come back, they will come back to a different environment. The Patriot Act will silence them.

Did you know that in Iraq, for the last 12 years, the people have lived under the poison of dirty bombs that have poisoned their water, air and the land? Now, American soldiers have been in that environment for over a year, going on two years. When they come home and diseases begin to afflict them like Agent Orange began to afflict the Vietnam veterans, will the government of America deny them the help and support they need?

They’re talking about the soldiers that are dead, but at Walter Reed Hospital there are thousands that have been wounded by this war, their limbs gone, their faces disfigured—over nothing but the greed of a few people who have hijacked the government of the United States of America.

An election is coming up—the most serious election in the history of this nation, because whoever becomes president will have the awesome responsibility of saving the lives of the American people.

My dear Black brothers and sisters and Hispanic brothers and sisters, I know that you are Democrats. I know that you want Senator Kerry to win. You’re registering people to vote in unprecedented numbers. But I say to the Black leadership, don’t you herd our people to the polls before you put before Senator Kerry an agenda that is in the best interests of the masses of our people. If you betray our people and the suffering masses that want to be relieved, then your leadership is finished. This is the last time that you will herd our votes into the hands of any political leader without having the necessary strength to put before such a leader those issues that affect our lives.

Senator Kerry, at a recent visit to Howard University, when the question of reparations was raised, he said “no” to reparations, because he said it would divide the country and it would not heal the wounds.

Congressman John Conyers put before the Congress H.R. 40, a resolution to simply study the question of reparations and Congress refuses to even study this question—which means to Black people that the Congress is not interested in justice for us.

Martin Luther King Jr., before he passed from us, said: “I have been gravely disappointed with the White moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Counselor, or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the White moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice, who prefers a negative peace, which is the absence of tension, to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice.”

Senator Kerry appears to be a White moderate who prefers order: “Don’t disturb order by asking for a study of whether Black people deserve reparations. Let’s not go back to the past.” Yet, Americans say, “Remember the Alamo,” “Remember Pearl Harbor” and “Remember the Holocaust,” but forget what Black people have suffered.

We, the Blacks in America, deserve to be repaired. We are a broken people and we need to be repaired. How, Senator Kerry, can you heal the racial divide by sweeping the principle of justice under the rug?

When a husband and a wife have disagreements, if they don’t address the reason for the disagreement, the gap between the two continues to widen until the division between them is irreconcilable. Therefore, they have to go before a judge for separation or divorce and then the court must look at the assets that the wife helped the husband to accrue and share it with the woman who is seeking relief.

Well, here we are with you. We helped you build this country. We fought, bled and died to maintain this country. You don’t want to see the horror of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the inhumanity of what we’ve suffered.

You say, “But the present generation had nothing to do with it.” That is true. But the present generation of Germans had nothing to do with what happened to the Jews of yesterday, but they’re paying reparations. It’s not about what you did; it’s about a responsibility to correct a wrong that must be corrected.

We were robbed of the knowledge of ourselves. For 300 years, Black people were reduced to a subhuman level as chattel. We lived under lynching, segregation, Jim Crow, injustice, police brutality and racial profiling up to this very moment. Don’t we deserve consideration?

If you want our vote in this most critical election, I’m warning the Black leadership, don’t sell out your people for that which the Qur’an says happened to the magicians of Pharaoh: They were promised wealth and nearness to Pharaoh. A slave may want some money and to be seen in the halls of power, while justice does not come to the suffering masses.

I have been a faithful Warner to you. I know that the Sanhedrin will meet after this speech and they will decide what to do with me. You may do as you please. But if this country is to survive, it must renounce and repudiate the doctrine of the neo-conservatives and distance this country from their agenda.

If America is to survive, she must not use the might of America to fight the battles of Israel and allow herself to be used to destroy the real or perceived enemies of Israel. I must say, with truth, that I know this President is bound to the neo-conservative agenda and it is in their best interest to have President Bush reelected.

So, I am hoping that the neo-conservatives will not contrive some terrorist activity in America—which the government continues to warn us will happen—that will kill many more Americans in order to facilitate a political and economic agenda.

I warn you, if you go into this wider war with Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya and other members of the Arab and Muslim world or if you plan a preemptive strike against Cuba, America will fight the War of Armageddon. It is right at your door. Soon, you’ll be fighting in Asia, in the South Pacific. If China fulfills her word that if Taiwan seeks independence, China will attack Taiwan, and the neo-conservatives are saying to the President, “You must uphold your word to defend Taiwan,” then American soldiers will be sent to Asia to fight.

You’re drawing away your troops from Eastern Europe. Homeland security is weak because the National Guard is supposed to protect the nation, but the National Guard is now in Iraq. The military is spread out all over the world—while this country now has 12 million undocumented aliens. You want them to give their names. Is it so that, like ancient Rome, you may use those without any benefit now in this country to fight for America in order to gain their citizenship?

Will you advance a draft next year to draft American children to fight and die for neo-conservative aims? If you do, American soldiers will go away to fight by the tens of thousands, but they will come back to America by the fives and tens—these are the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

America will not win another war. Allah (God) has set His hand against you. America is a preserved area. No foreign enemy will destroy this country. This country was allowed to become great and powerful like the ancient Pharaoh in Egypt, for God Himself to make Himself known. Please, do not force Allah (God) to destroy you.

How you handle me will determine how long you will live.

Thank you for listening (reading these words). May Allah (God) bless you as I greet you in peace, As-Salaam Alaikum.

This article first appeared at The Final Call

[Editor’s note: The following article is based on an address delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan during a world press conference held May 3, 2004 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.]

If you would like to get Minister Farrakhan’s May 3, 2004 press conference address, he is offering 200,000 CDs free, all you pay is postage. Call 1-(866)-602-1230 ext. 200 to order your copy today

Thursday, July 15, 2004

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