Crashing the Party: Taking on the Corporate Government in an Age of Surrender
By Ralph Nader

Price $12.99
Release Date: 09/01/02
Serial Number: Nader1

Ralph Nader is one of America's most passionate and effective social critics. He has been called a muckraker, a consumer crusader, and America's public defender. The cars we drive, the food we eat, the water we drink-their safety has been enhanced largely due to Ralph Nader. Time magazine called him "the U. S.'s toughest customer." His inspiration and example have rallied consumer advocates, citizen activists, public interest lawyers, and government officials into action, and in the 2000 election, nearly three million people voted for him. An inspiring and defiant memoir, Crashing the Party takes us inside Nader's campaign and explains what it took to fight the two-party juggernaut; why Bush and Gore were really afraid to let him in on their debates; why progressive Democrats have been left behind and ignored by their party; how Democrat and Republican interests have been lost to corporate bankrolling; and what needs to happen in the future for people to take back their political system. The 2000 election gave the Green Party legitimacy (as 60 Minutes' Mike Wallace called it--"the only campaign with a pulse") and an important, growing foothold on national politics. With humor and insight, Crashing the Party is the one honest retelling of what unfolded over the course of the 2000 campaign.

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