God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs and Rights of Religion in Politics
By Stephen Carter

Price $13.99
Release Date: 10/01/01
Serial Number: Carter2

In God's Name in Vain, Stephen L. Carter argues that American politics would be unimaginable without a religious voice. Religious engagement with the culture, including efforts to shape law and policy, is a good thing, Carter contends, and those who would raise the separation of church and state as a bar to religion in politics are simply wrong. But religious activists must walk a tightrope, because a religion that becomes too settled in the secular political sphere is likely to lose its best and most spiritual self. Offering a mix of insights from history, theology, politics, philosophy, and law, Carter shows that the history of social change in America might also be written as the history of the prophetic voice in our public life. But, he warns, electoral politics has been a difficult and often dangerous battleground upon which religionists have tried to make a stand against the culture. The prophetic voice that calls the nation to account for its wrongs is religion at its best; the electoral voice that calls on the faithful to vote the right way is religion at its worst. With his usual energy, clarity, and wit, Carter offers advice on how religious activists can keep their balance on the tightrope, remaining true to their faith while working towards genuine change.

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