The Force Of Finance
By Reuven Brenmner

Price $22.99
Release Date: 7/04/02
Serial Number: 007

In this visionary and pragmatic book, Reuven Brenner looks at the historic challenges and opportunities facing the world today -- the United States in particular, but also Latin America, the former Soviet Union, the Muslim world, and the emerging countries. He brings to every part of his argument his own special perspective, made up of deep historical and financial knowledge, political insight, and hard-won experience -- Brenner grew up under communism, studied in Israel, and has worked there and in Hungary, Thailand, France, the US, Canada and Mexico. Brenner throws open the windows and lets the fresh air in. He shows that to devise political, business, and financial strategies that create lasting prosperity, one must look at the trees -- the details of local politics and monetary policies, the movement of people and capital across borders, the myths that social scientists create -- and the forest -- the larger geopolitical picture. From the perspective, Brenner examines: whether the 21st century will be another American century; the financial and regulatory changes required to adjust to a more mobile world; religion and nationalism; the connection between democracy and financial markets; and the links between higher education and the myths societies live by. And all this in clear, compelling writing that is devoid of jargon. Brenner ends with a cogent analysis of what the West and the United States should do to maintain their success: pursue the democratization of capital markets and greater political accountability. This strategy is the key to these regions' further success, and also the best hope for countries wishing to catch up.

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